
The stars have aligned and PubTIC has pulled out the proverbial to publish another Webazine, for your long-suffering long-form journalism pleasure.

Admittedly, the major motivation was a chance to wax poetic on the big show once more, as the Australasian Gaming Expo returns to Sydney in the flesh yet again.

Hailed as the most comprehensive collection of hospitality and gaming manufacturers, suppliers and experts in one place south of the equator, the three-day event is an annual opportunity for operators to compare new gadgets and ideas side-by-side, in one expansive location.

As we drift inexorably toward what may be another sweltering summer, the AGE takes place at an ideal time for operators to consider new products and innovations to incorporate into the business.

This represents our fourth ‘virtual’ AGE Webazine, and some of the best exhibitors have taken the time to provide us with what they have on show this year.

While the gaming Expo is about a lot more than only gaming, our feature on gaming trends isn’t. It is an expert discussion on some of the influences on the sector and the value of entitlements, predominantly since the Labor government came to power in NSW.

And similarly pertinent heading into the warmer months, in an economy of inflation-tainted costs and social expectations, we offer some of the benefits and pitfalls of grabbing onto the green wagon, whether to save money or the planet.

The Information Collective
Granville   NSW   2142

Clyde Mooney

Brandi Baylock
Jane Louise, Clyde Mooney

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