The Family Jewels
Generational Pub Sales
The past two years have seen dozens of long-term hoteliers decide it was time to sell the ranch. Clyde Mooney reports

Talking TikTok
Taking the wide world of web by storm in recent years, TikTok is a powerful marketing tool that anyone can use. Jane Louise reports

A.G.E. 2023
In August the latest instalment of the Australasian Gaming Expo will be rolling out again in Darling Harbour.
See inside for a list of confirmed exhibitors and reasons to make it to the big show.

Editors Rant
It keeps getting better. While I might be more known for making such a statement in relation to how pubs manage the challenges they invariably face in an ever-changing society, this time I’m referring to the weight of simply staying in business as things change at a pace that seems to preclude any significant forward planning.
After muddling through the maze that was 2020, and the hangover that was 2021, the past year has seen a whole new breed of changes affecting both hospitality and publishing. Those serving the general public are tasked with offering services and amenities in line with the post-pandemic consumer, now armed with turbo-charged tech to curate their choices. Us in the business of media find an exponentiating barrage of competition for eyes and marketing budget, as the spectre of AI and the onslaught of bad actors grows every day. (Seriously, stay on top of your digital security!)
For years I have discussed B2B marketing with suppliers, and liken one-off advertising as akin to a rifle shot in the dark. I now find myself putting the same analogy to the likelihood of finding a successful path in a world dominated by computer-driven content and aggregating software.
I implore anyone with thoughts on the future of AI-produced content to contact me and offer their perspective. I have my own view on the
value of content written by sophisticated algorithms, but fear not all are so discerning.
In the meantime, after monumental change going on at TIC, we have resumed our Webazine and proudly offer one of the most period relevant features we have ever done, as we compare dozens of milestone sales by the kind of generational hoteliers that made the industry what it is today.
Hope to hear from you.

The Information Collective
Granville NSW 2142
Clyde Mooney
Brandi Baylock
Jane Louise, Clyde Mooney
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