In 2019 the PubTIC website presented 1,079,584 pages to readers. In 2020 we're finding around 80% of publicans are viewing the site on a mobile device.
There are many time-honoured benefits of 'Magazines' - but their suitability to smartphones is not one of them. Digital 'flipping book-style' magazines are clunky on mobile device, and page layout appeal is lost.
Moving with the times, our new digital 'Webazine' format presents dynamic content that renders perfectly on any device.
As a bonus, it offers significantly greater options for advertisers looking to get our audience's eyes on their prize.
Advertising Options
Full Page Ad
- Dynanic resizing on PC, tablet and mobile
- Key positions or 'Run of Book'
- Dynamic sizing on devices
- Link to web page or open email
Dimensions - both configurations required

Medium Box (half-page) Ads
- Dynanic resizing on PC, tablet and mobile
- Key positions or 'Run of Book'
- Horizontal &/or Vertical configuration
- Link to web page or open email
Dimensions - both configurations required

Best suited to mobile device

Best suited to desktop screens
Cover Sponsor Position
- Your company name and logo on cover
- Exclusive Position - 1 per month
At 150dpi: 520 px (wide) x 520 px (tall)
At 72dpi: 250 px (wide) x 250 px (tall)

Company Name Box
Your company in feature text:
- Eye-catching animation
- Full contact details

- All prices ex-GST
- Discounted rates available for volume and frequency
- We can supply graphics, GIFs and ad design