
1. Tomorrow's Patrons
Amid changing consumer expectations it’s not enough to be doing the same old thing. Clyde Mooney explores some of the successes and new trends in hospitality.

2. Summer Events
Planning COVID-safe Christmas and New Year’s Eve events? End of year celebrations are possible, but conditions will apply. Emma Castle reports.

3. New Normal Gaming Rooms
The big shake-up has transformed many aspects of hospitality, including gaming. We check out the maturation of the market.

4. News
The highest-trending and most popular news stories of October 2020.
Editor's Rant
Change has indeed been afoot in 2020, in fact finding its way to kick most of us in the ass where it hurst and when we least expected it. Perhaps its cognitive bias toward bad things happening, but it sure feels as though we’ve had a lot of them this year.
Hoping to dive into 2021 like a cool glass of water or frothy beverage on a summer’s day, this month we’ve looked at what’s on the horizon for the beleaguered pub business coming into summer. It may be worth noting that while we ponder what can be clawed back from the disappointments of 2020, through the glorious and hopefully virus-free warmer months, the northern hemisphere, notably our allies the US and UK, are facing a bleak winter and further shutdowns amid spiralling case numbers of coronavirus.
It might be hard to find someone to look back fondly in hindsight at 2020, but globally speaking Australia has fared pretty well I’m hopeful that in time we may indeed prosper from the experience.

The Information Collective
Granville NSW 2142
Clyde Mooney
Therese Lloyd
Clyde Mooney
Peter Wiedemann
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