
1. Pub Real Estate ... a New Era
Analysing hundreds of buy and sell stories and fielding input and commentary from a dozen experts and sources, our major feature this edition takes in-depth look at the post-pandemic effects on the pub real estate market.
Part 1: Freehold Going Concerns (follows below)
Part 2: Leaseholds, Lease-backs and Freeholds
Editors Rant
Having now written just shy of 1,200 PubTIC articles on pub real estate I may like to think of myself as something of a seasoned veteran. But the forces at play in the current market are outside my historic experience, if not genuinely unprecedented.
Australia has – by good luck or good management – fared well from the global epidemic, and the freedom of lifestyle and cautiously optimistic outlook for the future has undoubtedly put a fire under the values of real estate. More than the country’s desirability to incoming investment capital, many of the rules of population shift have been rewritten in light of migration and technological changes mostly brought about due to the pandemic and shutdown.
It is this complex, shifting environment we seek to analyse, in hope of recognising some trends that might give more hoteliers a jump on their best opportunities going forward.
As always, constructive feedback is welcome.
Cheers, Clyde
PS: rumours persist (to our considerable amusement) that PubTIC is part-owned by one of its clients, and a prominent player in the real estate industry. As previously stipulated, this is incorrect and PubTIC (The Information Collective) remains 100% privately owned by its founding editor (me).

The Information Collective
Granville NSW 2142
Clyde Mooney
Brandi Baylock
Clyde Mooney
Peter Wiedemann
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