Editors Rant
We all know there’s been a lot going on for the past two-and-a-half years, and that conversely a lot has not gone on, such as big events and large gatherings. We’ve all foregone so many parties, get-togethers and trade shows, including the annual Gaming Expo.
Having reached a point where the threat is sufficiently diminished, the societal focus has returned to economic activity and a return to normality, allowing major events to proceed.
The AGE began 33 years ago, and celebrated its 30th anniversary at the most recent edition, in 2019.
Never before has the progress of products for hospitality been forcibly suppressed for two years, and there’s a backlog of development to see and experience. Furthermore, the pandemic has prompted a new wave of products and services based in the new patron expectations and requirements on venues.
I’ll be back hosting a seminar this year, based in the hottest topic in hospitality – the problems finding, hiring and retaining staff. The seminar will feature five panellists, continuing the discussion we covered extensively in the last edition: Hospo Workers Wanted.
And if you haven’t already, make sure you check out our new service:HospoWork.

The Information Collective
Granville NSW 2142
Clyde Mooney
Brandi Baylock
Clyde Mooney
Peter Wiedemann
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